The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute is a United States-based non-governmental institute created as part of a modification to the Social Security Act by clauses in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. ICAN will be taking findings from selected research funded by PCORI and disseminating the findings to our Vietnamese community in a culturally competent manner. The selected studies are about dementia and advanced directives.
We seek to engage and serve all Vietnamese American Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementia (ADRD) caregivers and stakeholders in the Vietnamese American community. Our hope is for them to gain knowledge about dementia, caregiving, and advanced directives to better inform their healthcare decisions.
This community engagement project is led by ICAN in partnership with Dr. Van Ta Park, Associate Professor at UCSF School of Nursing, with cultural insights and guidance from stakeholder groups and individuals. The ultimate goal is to disseminate pertinent research findings in the Vietnamese community so they can make more informed health care decisions and to increase their knowledge, familiarity and experience with research so they will become more engaged in the future.
This project helps engage Vietnamese American ADRD caregivers and stakeholders in linguistically appropriate and culturally sensitive patient-centered outcomes research and ultimately helps them make informed health decisions to improve their health outcomes. ICAN is proud to help strengthen the voice of Vietnamese Americans in the area of research so that culturally competent strategies and services can be documented to serve Vietnamese communities around the world better.
1) Create three 3-minute video clips (to be shown on TV, YouTube, and social media), six 10-minute radio talk shows, 3 articles about PCORI findings to be broadcasted/published on Vietnamese TV, radio, and social media.
2) Organize two annual conferences for Vietnamese community with Vietnamese American field experts and trusted leaders to foster discussion and promote adoption of findings from the 3 selected PCORI-funded research studies.
3) Created a 2-page how-to-do Advanced Care to be given out or posted at annual conferences, libraries, etc. to help community members have access to culturally and linguistically relevant information (to print 3,000 copies)